Mongolia : A country where nature shows its beauty

 Mongolia : Asian country where nature shows its beauty

      We love to travel to those countries where nature shows how beautiful it is. Have you ever been to such a country with beautiful nature and grasslands ? If you love to travel to such countries with less people and more nature, then Mongolia is the country you should visit ! Today you will get to know about 'Mongolia' which is famous for its pretty nature. 

About Mongolia


Mongolia is a country bordered between Russia and china in Asia. The country's large part is covered by grassy steppe. It is one of the least dense country in the world. With an area of about 1.56 million sq km, it consists of only 3.3 million people. Although the country is rich in natural resources like copper, gold, silver, tungsten, etc. Chinggis khan ( or Genghis khan ) belonged from here. 'Ulaanbaatar' is the capital city with almost half of the Mongolia's population. Mongolia is home to large plateaus

Climate of mongolia

Mongolia has a cold and dry climate. Winters are long and summers are short in this landlocked country. Averagely, 257 days are cloudless in the country in a year. Well known Gobi desert's some parts also lie here. Rivers and lakes freeze during the winters. Mountains are cold. Talking about the average temperature, during winters, it ranges from 15 degree Celsius to -30 degree Celsius. While in summers it ranges from 10 degree Celsius to 26 degree Celsius. Local people adjust according to the weather. 

Is Mongolia safe to visit ?

Mongolia can be a safe country for travelers. But most crimes happen during night especially in urban areas. Mongolians are considered to be quite friendly. Mongolia has one of the lowest crime rates in Asia. So we can consider it safe. 

Places to visit in Mongolia :

Here is a list of destinations that you should visit in mongolia :

  • Altai tavan national park
  • Amarbayasgalant monastery
  • Gorkhi Terelj national park
  • Khorgo volcano
  • Lake khovsgol
  • Orkhon valley

Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

The capital city of mongolia - Ulaanbaatar, is located in Tuul river valley. About half of the mongolian population resides here. The influence of Buddhism can be seen here. Russian, Mongolian and a little English is spoken here. Formerly, the city was known as Urga or Niislel Khureheh. 

Some Mongolian Phrases to know

It would be better if we can communicate with locals in their own language even if its just some daily life phrases. So here are some of the phrases in Mongolian :

Hello - Sain uu
I need water - nadad us kheregtei baina
Can you help me - chi nadad tusalj chadakh uu
Any hotel nearby - Oiroltsookh ali ch zochid buudal
Thank you - Bayarlalaa
I need food - nadad khool kheregtei baina

Tourists in Mongolia

In 2019, 637,000 (637 k) tourists visited Mongolia. Mongolia is not much traveled due to the lack of knowledge among people about the Mongolian beauty. Weak infrastructure makes it lack facilities for tourists. This Asian country is cheap to visit. On average, one week trip to mongolia for two persons would cost around $350 (Excluding flights). Remember, It is a country with more area and less people. 

Mongolia map

Mongolia is a landlocked asian country sandwiched between Russia and china. Mongolia consists of plateau. Average elevation of 1,580 meters, the highest peaks here are in Altai mountains. It has a little part of its land cultivatable. Mongolia can be divided into three major topographic zones : The mountain chains on northern and western region, basin areas around them, and the upland plateau. Minor earthquakes are also experienced many times. 

Food in Mongolia

Here is a list of some traditional and famous dishes of Mongolia ( Veg + Non veg ) :

  •  Khuushuur
  • Tsuivan
  • Boodog
  • Bantan
  • Buuz
  • Guriltai Shul
Wildlife in Mongolia

Various animals and birds are found here. Siberian ibex, grey wolves, Common Adder, Death worm, Etc. type of wildlife is found here. Besides, endangered animals like wild bactrian camel, Gobi bear, snow leopard, etc. can be seen here. 

Surprising facts and laws of Mongolia

  • There is a festival dedicated to eagle hunting called ' Golden eagle festival '.
  • You can fit 37 Netherlands into Mongolia.
  • One third of the endangered snow leopards live in Mongolia.
  • Ice cream is often sold in winters.

This was all about the wonderful country 'Mongolia'. It is less visited but worth it visiting. Nature and plain land's beauty is seen here. Ancient history of Genghis khan has its own importance. Do not forget to learn more about this. Comment your doubts below and you will get a reply to your question. 


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